Linux Cubed Series 8: LINUX Games
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C/C++ Source or Header
589 lines
* xgifload.c - based strongly on...
* gif2ras.c - Converts from a Compuserve GIF (tm) image to a Sun Raster image.
* Copyright (c) 1988, 1989 by Patrick J. Naughton
* Author: Patrick J. Naughton
* naughton@wind.sun.com
* Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
* documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted,
* provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that
* both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in
* supporting documentation.
* This file is provided AS IS with no warranties of any kind. The author
* shall have no liability with respect to the infringement of copyrights,
* trade secrets or any patents by this file or any part thereof. In no
* event will the author be liable for any lost revenue or profits or
* other special, indirect and consequential damages.
#include "xgif.h"
typedef int boolean;
#define NEXTBYTE (*ptr++)
#define IMAGESEP 0x2c
#define INTERLACEMASK 0x40
#define COLORMAPMASK 0x80
FILE *fp;
int BitOffset = 0, /* Bit Offset of next code */
XC = 0, YC = 0, /* Output X and Y coords of current pixel */
Pass = 0, /* Used by output routine if interlaced pic */
OutCount = 0, /* Decompressor output 'stack count' */
RWidth, RHeight, /* screen dimensions */
Width, Height, /* image dimensions */
LeftOfs, TopOfs, /* image offset */
BitsPerPixel, /* Bits per pixel, read from GIF header */
BytesPerScanline, /* bytes per scanline in output raster */
ColorMapSize, /* number of colors */
Background, /* background color */
CodeSize, /* Code size, read from GIF header */
InitCodeSize, /* Starting code size, used during Clear */
Code, /* Value returned by ReadCode */
MaxCode, /* limiting value for current code size */
ClearCode, /* GIF clear code */
EOFCode, /* GIF end-of-information code */
CurCode, OldCode, InCode, /* Decompressor variables */
FirstFree, /* First free code, generated per GIF spec */
FreeCode, /* Decompressor, next free slot in hash table */
FinChar, /* Decompressor variable */
BitMask, /* AND mask for data size */
ReadMask; /* Code AND mask for current code size */
boolean Interlace, HasColormap;
boolean Verbose = False;
byte *Image; /* The result array */
byte *RawGIF; /* The heap array to hold it, raw */
byte *Raster; /* The raster data stream, unblocked */
/* The hash table used by the decompressor */
int Prefix[4096];
int Suffix[4096];
/* An output array used by the decompressor */
int OutCode[1025];
/* The color map, read from the GIF header */
byte Red[256], Green[256], Blue[256], used[256];
int numused;
char *id = "GIF87a";
LoadGIF (fname)
char *fname;
int filesize;
register byte ch, ch1;
register byte *ptr, *ptr1;
register int i;
if (strcmp (fname, "-") == 0)
fp = stdin;
fname = "<stdin>";
fp = fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
FatalError ("file not found");
/* find the size of the file */
fseek (fp, 0L, 2);
filesize = ftell (fp);
fseek (fp, 0L, 0);
if (!(ptr = RawGIF = (byte *) malloc (filesize)))
FatalError ("not enough memory to read gif file");
if (!(Raster = (byte *) malloc (filesize)))
FatalError ("not enough memory to read gif file");
if (fread (ptr, filesize, 1, fp) != 1)
FatalError ("GIF data read failed");
if (strncmp (ptr, id, 6))
FatalError ("not a GIF file");
ptr += 6;
/* Get variables from the GIF screen descriptor */
RWidth = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE; /* screen dimensions... not used. */
RHeight = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE;
if (Verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "screen dims: %dx%d.\n", RWidth, RHeight);
HasColormap = ((ch & COLORMAPMASK) ? True : False);
BitsPerPixel = (ch & 7) + 1;
numcols = ColorMapSize = 1 << BitsPerPixel;
BitMask = ColorMapSize - 1;
Background = NEXTBYTE; /* background color... not used. */
if (NEXTBYTE) /* supposed to be NULL */
FatalError ("corrupt GIF file (bad screen descriptor)");
/* Read in global colormap. */
if (HasColormap)
if (Verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "%s is %dx%d, %d bits per pixel, (%d colors).\n",
fname, Width, Height, BitsPerPixel, ColorMapSize);
for (i = 0; i < ColorMapSize; i++)
Red[i] = NEXTBYTE;
Green[i] = NEXTBYTE;
Blue[i] = NEXTBYTE;
used[i] = 0;
numused = 0;
{ /* no colormap in GIF file */
fprintf (stderr, "%s: warning! no colortable in this file. Winging it.\n", cmd);
if (!numcols)
numcols = 256;
for (i = 0; i < numcols; i++)
cols[i] = (unsigned long) i;
/* Check for image seperator */
FatalError ("corrupt GIF file (no image separator)");
/* Now read in values from the image descriptor */
LeftOfs = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE;
TopOfs = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE;
Width = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE;
Height = ch + 0x100 * NEXTBYTE;
Interlace = ((NEXTBYTE & INTERLACEMASK) ? True : False);
if (Verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "Reading a %d by %d %sinterlaced image...",
Width, Height, (Interlace) ? "" : "non-");
fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s is %dx%d, %d colors ",
cmd, fname, Width, Height, ColorMapSize);
/* Note that I ignore the possible existence of a local color map.
* I'm told there aren't many files around that use them, and the spec
* says it's defined for future use. This could lead to an error
* reading some files.
/* Start reading the raster data. First we get the intial code size
* and compute decompressor constant values, based on this code size.
CodeSize = NEXTBYTE;
ClearCode = (1 << CodeSize);
EOFCode = ClearCode + 1;
FreeCode = FirstFree = ClearCode + 2;
/* The GIF spec has it that the code size is the code size used to
* compute the above values is the code size given in the file, but the
* code size used in compression/decompression is the code size given in
* the file plus one. (thus the ++).
InitCodeSize = CodeSize;
MaxCode = (1 << CodeSize);
ReadMask = MaxCode - 1;
/* Read the raster data. Here we just transpose it from the GIF array
* to the Raster array, turning it from a series of blocks into one long
* data stream, which makes life much easier for ReadCode().
ptr1 = Raster;
ch = ch1 = NEXTBYTE;
while (ch--)
*ptr1++ = NEXTBYTE;
if ((Raster - ptr1) > filesize)
FatalError ("corrupt GIF file (unblock)");
while (ch1);
free (RawGIF); /* We're done with the raw data now... */
if (Verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "done.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "Decompressing...");
/* Allocate the X Image */
Image = (byte *) malloc (Width * Height);
if (!Image)
FatalError ("not enough memory for XImage");
theImage = XCreateImage (theDisp, theVisual, 8, ZPixmap, 0, Image,
Width, Height, 8, Width);
if (!theImage)
FatalError ("unable to create XImage");
BytesPerScanline = Width;
/* Decompress the file, continuing until you see the GIF EOF code.
* One obvious enhancement is to add checking for corrupt files here.
Code = ReadCode ();
while (Code != EOFCode)
/* Clear code sets everything back to its initial value, then reads the
* immediately subsequent code as uncompressed data.
if (Code == ClearCode)
CodeSize = InitCodeSize;
MaxCode = (1 << CodeSize);
ReadMask = MaxCode - 1;
FreeCode = FirstFree;
CurCode = OldCode = Code = ReadCode ();
FinChar = CurCode & BitMask;
AddToPixel (FinChar);
/* If not a clear code, then must be data: save same as CurCode and InCode */
CurCode = InCode = Code;
/* If greater or equal to FreeCode, not in the hash table yet;
* repeat the last character decoded
if (CurCode >= FreeCode)
CurCode = OldCode;
OutCode[OutCount++] = FinChar;
/* Unless this code is raw data, pursue the chain pointed to by CurCode
* through the hash table to its end; each code in the chain puts its
* associated output code on the output queue.
while (CurCode > BitMask)
if (OutCount > 1024)
fprintf (stderr, "\nCorrupt GIF file (OutCount)!\n");
_exit (-1); /* calling 'exit(-1)' dumps core, so I don't */
OutCode[OutCount++] = Suffix[CurCode];
CurCode = Prefix[CurCode];
/* The last code in the chain is treated as raw data. */
FinChar = CurCode & BitMask;
OutCode[OutCount++] = FinChar;
/* Now we put the data out to the Output routine.
* It's been stacked LIFO, so deal with it that way...
for (i = OutCount - 1; i >= 0; i--)
AddToPixel (OutCode[i]);
OutCount = 0;
/* Build the hash table on-the-fly. No table is stored in the file. */
Prefix[FreeCode] = OldCode;
Suffix[FreeCode] = FinChar;
OldCode = InCode;
/* Point to the next slot in the table. If we exceed the current
* MaxCode value, increment the code size unless it's already 12. If it
* is, do nothing: the next code decompressed better be CLEAR
if (FreeCode >= MaxCode)
if (CodeSize < 12)
MaxCode *= 2;
ReadMask = (1 << CodeSize) - 1;
Code = ReadCode ();
free (Raster);
if (Verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "done.\n");
fprintf (stderr, "(of which %d are used)\n", numused);
if (fp != stdin)
fclose (fp);
ColorDicking (fname);
/* Fetch the next code from the raster data stream. The codes can be
* any length from 3 to 12 bits, packed into 8-bit bytes, so we have to
* maintain our location in the Raster array as a BIT Offset. We compute
* the byte Offset into the raster array by dividing this by 8, pick up
* three bytes, compute the bit Offset into our 24-bit chunk, shift to
* bring the desired code to the bottom, then mask it off and return it.
ReadCode ()
int RawCode, ByteOffset;
ByteOffset = BitOffset / 8;
RawCode = Raster[ByteOffset] + (0x100 * Raster[ByteOffset + 1]);
if (CodeSize >= 8)
RawCode += (0x10000 * Raster[ByteOffset + 2]);
RawCode >>= (BitOffset % 8);
BitOffset += CodeSize;
return (RawCode & ReadMask);
AddToPixel (Index)
byte Index;
if (YC < Height)
*(Image + YC * BytesPerScanline + XC) = Index;
if (!used[Index])
used[Index] = 1;
/* Update the X-coordinate, and if it overflows, update the Y-coordinate */
if (++XC == Width)
/* If a non-interlaced picture, just increment YC to the next scan line.
* If it's interlaced, deal with the interlace as described in the GIF
* spec. Put the decoded scan line out to the screen if we haven't gone
* past the bottom of it
XC = 0;
if (!Interlace)
switch (Pass)
case 0:
YC += 8;
if (YC >= Height)
YC = 4;
case 1:
YC += 8;
if (YC >= Height)
YC = 2;
case 2:
YC += 4;
if (YC >= Height)
YC = 1;
case 3:
YC += 2;
ColorDicking (fname)
char *fname;
/* we've got the picture loaded, we know what colors are needed. get 'em */
register int i, j;
static byte lmasks[8] =
{0xff, 0xfe, 0xfc, 0xf8, 0xf0, 0xe0, 0xc0, 0x80};
byte lmask, *ptr;
if (!HasColormap)
/* no need to allocate any colors if no colormap in GIF file */
/* Allocate the X colors for this picture */
if (nostrip)
{ /* nostrip was set. try REAL hard to do it */
for (i = j = 0; i < numcols; i++)
if (used[i])
defs[i].red = Red[i] << 8;
defs[i].green = Green[i] << 8;
defs[i].blue = Blue[i] << 8;
defs[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
if (!XAllocColor (theDisp, theCmap, &defs[i]))
defs[i].pixel = 0xffff;
cols[i] = defs[i].pixel;
if (j)
{ /* failed to pull it off */
XColor ctab[256];
int dc;
dc = (dispcells < 256) ? dispcells : 256;
fprintf (stderr, "failed to allocate %d out of %d colors. Trying extra hard.\n", j, numused);
/* read in the color table */
for (i = 0; i < dc; i++)
ctab[i].pixel = i;
XQueryColors (theDisp, theCmap, ctab, dc);
/* run through the used colors. any used color that has a pixel
value of 0xffff wasn't allocated. for such colors, run through
the entire X colormap and pick the closest color */
for (i = 0; i < numcols; i++)
if (used[i] && cols[i] == 0xffff)
{ /* an unallocated pixel */
int d, mdist, close;
unsigned long r, g, b;
mdist = 100000;
close = -1;
r = Red[i];
g = Green[i];
b = Blue[i];
for (j = 0; j < dc; j++)
d = abs (r - (ctab[j].red >> 8)) +
abs (g - (ctab[j].green >> 8)) +
abs (b - (ctab[j].blue >> 8));
if (d < mdist)
mdist = d;
close = j;
if (close < 0)
FatalError ("simply can't do it. Sorry.");
bcopy (&defs[close], &defs[i], sizeof (XColor));
/*if (!XAllocColor(theDisp,theCmap,&defs[close])) {
printf("Big Problem\n");} */
used[i] = 6;
cols[i] = ctab[close].pixel;
} /* end 'failed to pull it off' */
{ /* strip wasn't set, do the best auto-strip */
j = 0;
while (strip < 8)
lmask = lmasks[strip];
for (i = 0; i < numcols; i++)
if (used[i])
defs[i].red = (Red[i] & lmask) << 8;
defs[i].green = (Green[i] & lmask) << 8;
defs[i].blue = (Blue[i] & lmask) << 8;
defs[i].flags = DoRed | DoGreen | DoBlue;
if (!XAllocColor (theDisp, theCmap, &defs[i]))
cols[i] = defs[i].pixel;
if (i < numcols)
{ /* failed */
for (i--; i >= 0; i--)
if (used[i])
XFreeColors (theDisp, theCmap, cols + i, 1, 0L);
if (j && strip < 8)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: %s stripped %d bits\n", cmd, fname, strip);
if (strip == 8)
fprintf (stderr, "UTTERLY failed to allocate the desired colors.\n");
for (i = 0; i < numcols; i++)
cols[i] = i;
ptr = Image;
for (i = 0; i < Height; i++)
for (j = 0; j < Width; j++, ptr++)
*ptr = (byte) cols[*ptr];